Switch to Soy – Why Soy Candles the Perfect Choice2

Creating a cosy and inviting atmosphere at home often starts with a captivating fragrance. There are many options to choose from including  reed diffusers, room sprays and even ultrasonic diffusers, but candles are probably the most popular choice for home fragrance lovers. So when it comes to candles you need to choose the very best. You can buy beeswax, paraffin wax and even coconut wax but here at Heart & Home HQ we think that soy candles stand out as an ideal choice for home fragrance. In this post we go in-depth about our favourite subject – soy. Here’s why soy is the perfect ingredient for your home’s aromatic needs.

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

Soy candles are made from soybeans, a renewable resource, meaning they can be replanted and harvested annually. This contrasts sharply with paraffin wax, which is derived from petroleum, a non-renewable resource that takes millions of years to form. By opting for soy candles, you are reducing demand for paraffin wax and, consequently, for petroleum. This decrease in demand helps lessen our overall dependence on fossil fuels, which are a major source of environmental pollution and a non-renewable resource

Support for Local Agriculture

When you buy soy candles, you are supporting soybean farmers, often from local or regional farms. This direct support helps sustain farming communities and contributes to the local economy. In the U.S., for example, soybeans are a significant crop, and purchasing soy products helps keep these farms operational and profitable. Farmers who grow soybeans often practice crop rotation, which is beneficial for soil health. This practice reduces soil erosion, improves soil fertility, and can decrease the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Supporting soybean farming indirectly encourages these beneficial agricultural practices.

Lower Environmental Impact

The production of soy wax involves the processing of soybeans into oil, which is then hydrogenated to create wax. This process has a lower environmental impact compared to the extraction and refinement of petroleum for paraffin wax. Soybean farming can be managed in a way that preserves soil health and reduces the need for pesticides, further promoting sustainability.

Soy burns slower/lasts longer

Soy has a different molecular structure compared to the hydrocarbons found in paraffin wax, which is derived from petroleum. The fatty acids in soybean oil create a wax that melts and burns at a lower temperature. Soy wax typically has a melting point between 120°F and 180°F), which is lower than the melting point of paraffin wax, which ranges from 130°F to 160°F. Because of this lower melting point, soy candles require less heat to melt and maintain their liquid state, resulting in a lower burning temperature.

The lower burning temperature of soy wax means that the candle burns more slowly and evenly. This slower burn rate extends the lifespan of the candle, allowing you to enjoy its fragrance for a longer period. Soy wax has an excellent scent throw, meaning it effectively disperses fragrance throughout the room. The natural properties of soy allow it to hold and release essential oils more effectively, resulting in a richer and more authentic scent experience. A slower burn also ensures that the scent is released more gradually and consistently, enhancing the overall aromatic experience.

Cleaner and Biodegradable

Soy wax produces minimal soot and releases fewer toxins into the air, contributing to better indoor air quality. This makes soy candles a healthier option for your home and family. The entire lifecycle of soy candles, from growth to disposal, generally results in lower carbon emissions compared to paraffin candles. Soy wax is biodegradable, meaning it breaks down naturally over time. This reduces the environmental footprint of soy candles, as they do not contribute to long-term waste in landfills. Paraffin wax, on the other hand, is not biodegradable and can persist in the environment for a long time.

Non-Toxic and easy to clean

Soy candles are typically made with natural ingredients and free from harmful chemicals. This is especially important if you have children or pets at home. You can enjoy the soothing ambience of scented candles without worrying about inhaling toxic substances. If you’ve ever dealt with candle wax spills, you’ll appreciate that soy wax is water-soluble. This makes cleaning up any accidental drips or spills much easier. Simply use soap and warm water to remove soy wax from surfaces and fabrics. The lower burning temperature  of soy also means that the hot wax is also much less likely to burn the skin compared to paraffin wax.


So now we understand the health benefits of soy over paraffin wax and while coconut wax has its own merits, such as being derived from coconuts – a highly renewable resource, and being aesthetically pleasing, coconut wax burns at a higher temperature so won’t last as long and is a crop that is not so readily available and therefore coconut wax is more expensive. Beeswax has several desirable properties, such as a clean burn and natural scent, but it may not be the best choice due to its higher cost, limited availability, potential environmental impact, and challenging handling properties. Harvesting beeswax can stress bee colonies and affect their health, especially if not done sustainably. Given the critical role of bees in pollination and our ecosystems, overharvesting can have negative ecological consequences. Overall, soy wax is often chosen for its cost-effectiveness, widespread availability, and proven performance. Soy wax’s lower burn temperature, ease of use and sustainability means that soy remains a highly regarded option for many.

Choosing the Right Soy Candle

When selecting a soy candle, consider the following tips to ensure you get the best quality

  • Cotton Wicks: Choose candles with cotton wicks, which burn cleaner and support the eco-friendly nature of soy candles.
  • Check the Label: Look for candles labelled as soy wax to ensure you’re getting the full benefits.
  • Natural Fragrances: Opt for candles scented with natural essential oils rather than synthetic fragrances.

That’s a very comprehensive list of must-haves for choosing the right soy candle and we’re very proud to say that Heart & Home ticks every single one of those boxes so you can shop with confidence knowing that our heart is centred in nature!

So – soy candles are an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their home with delightful fragrances. Their eco-friendly nature, clean burn, and superior scent throw make them an ideal option for creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Next time you’re shopping for home fragrances, consider making the switch to soy candles – your home, your family, and the environment will thank you.